We are fully operational
Although the Covid-19 situation has abruptly changed our routines and how we work Rimeco is still fully operational. Our supply chains are intact and the demand for raw materials for recycling remains unchanged. The price fluctuation is a bit higher than usual as the current situation causes global market unrest, but so far it is manageable.
As the European Commission recognises that companies dealing with waste and materials for recycling are providing an essential service to society to protect health and the environment, the EU has urged all member states to prevent and reduce any obstacles to shipments – and to ensure that waste shipments have access to green lane border crossings.
At Rimeco we are grateful for the EU’s focus on maintaining supply chains, and we recognise our responsibility for keeping the flow of raw materials going throughout this crisis. At all our sites we are now working in shifts to ensure productivity while complying to all safety measures recommended by the authorities. We expect to remain fully operational throughout this no matter the amount of flexibility we must exercise. We are thankful to be part of an industry that can remain operational, and we recognise our responsibility for safeguarding jobs and businesses wherever it is possible.