We have now commenced the final task in our year-long effort to demolish and recycle one of Denmark’s biggest coal-fired power plants.
We have now commenced the final task in our year-long effort to demolish and recycle one of Denmark’s biggest coal-fired power plants.
Just before Christmas we took down the remaining Denox-building at Enstedværket in Aabenraa. It happened very quickly and it looks so simple: We just pulled its legs!
But as you can see in the slow-motion part of this video, it was in no regard simple. Numerous small black powder charges had to be placed with meticulous precision and blasted in exactly the right sequence. A job well done often looks like a walk in the park, but the truth is that it takes a thorough and skilled effort.
At 1 PM on Thursday the 19th of December the last remaining building, the red Denox-building, at Enstedværket in Aabenraa went to the ground. After six months of cutting, blowtorching, sorting, hauling and shipping off steel and metals, we finally had the ground cleared of all remains of the huge boiler building that we took down in May. It was time to end 2019 with a final blast!
As calculated by our demolition experts, the Denox-building fell exactly at the designated spot, and for the next couple of months we will once again be absorbed in cutting, blowtorching, sorting, hauling and shipping off steel and metals. Remaining now is only the chimney with its 184 meters of armoured concrete. We look forward to having a blast in 2020 as well!
This week Rimeco with the help of our partners, demolition experts Johannes Landwehr Abbruchunternehmen GMBH and Richard Liesegang GMBH & Co. KG, took down a 100-meter-high windmill in Padderborn, Germany.
The wings and the nacelle were dismantled on site, whereas the tower had to be taken down by a precision blast. As estimated the tower fell within a 0,5-meter ratio – from a distance of 90 meters. Thanks to all for a job well done!
On Thursday the 23rdof May, close to noon, a huge blast echoed over the harbour area in Aabenraa, and 9.000 tons of steel went tumbling to the ground, giving rise to a vast cloud of dust and debris. Just five seconds after the demolition expert pushed the big, red button it was all over – a brief, spectacular event that took months of hard work to prepare.
For us at Rimeco the demolition of the boiler building was a milestone in our yearlong effort to take down and recycle almost every bit of one of Denmark’s biggest coal-fired power plants, Enstedværket in Aabenraa, and our work will continue for at least another year.
To honour all the employees that each and every day lay down hard labour to make this project a success, we have produced a short video showing not just the spectacular demolition, but also what it took to make it happen.
In 2016 RIMECO bought the coalfired powerstation Enstedværket from DONG (now Ørsted).
After less than 2 years demolition time, the boiler house was overturned on 23rd May-19 by means of a controlled explosion.
It was necessary to overturn the building due to heavy machinery in the upper part of the building otherwise not being accessible.
Next step is to clear the area from the overturned building during the summer months.