

Fastmarkets & Steel-Orbis Daily News

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

Denmark’s Rimeco sells off steel scrap export business to compatriots HJ Hansen

Published by: Lee Allen

2 Nov 2022 @ 12:53 UTC

Danish recyclers Rimeco Aktieselskab have agreed to sell their steel scrap export operations in Kolding to compatriots HJ Hansen Recycling Group, representatives from both companies said this week.
Following the deal, HJ Hansen will take over Rimeco’s steel scrap collection, export activities and berths at the seaport of Kolding, HJ Hansen said on Tuesday November 1.

Rimeco will continue to focus on the processing of metal, electronic and cable scrap around its Aabenraa base, but will exit from the business of directly exporting of steel scrap.

“We have chosen to sell off the collection and shipping of iron scrap because we can see that the industry is consolidating. We already have a long-standing and good collaboration with HJ Hansen, and we find it natural to pass on what we have built up in Kolding to them,” Klaus Peter Riggelsen, managing director at Rimeco, said.

There are synergies between the berths in Kolding port and HJ Hansen’s existing berths in the ports of Aalborg, Aarhus, Fredericia, Korsør, Prøvestenen and Odense, according to Mogens Bach Christensen, chief executive officer of HJ Hansen Recycling Group.

“The sites have a strategically good location for us, as we at HJ Hansen Recycling Group want to shorten and streamline our logistical flow – this benefits both the environment and our suppliers,” Christensen said.

The Danish exporter consolidation comes in an environment of short scrap supply, with falling prices, high energy costs and a looming recession across Europe creating a difficult environment for recyclers.

Both HJ Hansen and Rimeco are experienced in the export of steel scrap to Turkey, but demand from Turkey has slumped over the last year amid a weak Turkish lira and poor local steel demand.

Fastmarkets’ daily index for steel scrap, HMS 1&2 (80:20 mix), northern Europe origin, cfr Turkey, was calculated at $354.41 per tonne on Tuesday, flat from a day earlier but down by $7.32 per tonne month on month from $361.73 per tonne.

Rimeco Aktieselskab sælger sine Kolding-aktiviteter til HJHansen Recycling Group

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

Rimeco Aktieselskab sælger sine Kolding-aktiviteter til HJHansen Recycling Group

Genvindingsvirksomheden HJHansen Recycling Group overtager havnepladserne på Kolding Havn fra Rimeco Aktieselskab, der har valgt at specialisere sig yderligere i genvinding og forædling af metal, jern, elektronik og kabler.

Rimeco Aktieselskab har i mange år haft opsamlings- og afskibningspladser til jern- og metalskrot flere steder i Europa. Nu frasælger virksomheden sine danske aktiviteter inden for indsamling af jern- og stål-skrot kvaliteter til HJHansen Recycling Group.

Klaus Peter Riggelsen, administrerende direktør hos Rimeco Aktieselskab, siger: ”Vi har valgt at frasælge indsamling og udskibning af jernskrot, fordi vi kan se, at branchen konsoliderer sig. Vi har i forvejen et mangeårigt og godt samarbejde med HJHansen Recycling Group, og vi finder det naturligt at videregive det, vi har opbygget i Kolding, til dem. Vi, Rimeco Aktieselskab, forsvinder jo ikke fra branchen, og kan nu i stedet henvise til HJHansen Recycling Group, når vi får henvendelser om indsamling af jernskrot i Danmark.”

Rimeco Aktieselskab vil uforandret drive sin virksomhed fra Aabenraa, hvor man på bl.a. Ensted Industrihavn har sine anlæg til behandling og sortering af jern-, metal-, elektronikskrot samt kabel recycling. Samtidigt fortsætter Hals Metal Recycling A/S, hvor der modtages og miljørigtigt forarbejdes komplekse jern og metalfraktioner, som bly, transformere, kabler og kompressorer.

Ifølge Mogens Bach Christensen, administrerende direktør i HJHansen Recycling Group, er der synergier mellem kajpladserne i Kolding og HJHansen Recycling Groups eksisterende kajpladser i Aalborg, Aarhus, Fredericia, Korsør, Prøvestenen og Odense. ”Pladserne har en strategisk god placering for os, da vi hos HJHansen Recycling Group ønsker at forkorte og effektivisere vores logistiske flow – det både kommer miljøet og vores leverandører til gode”

Sammen med pladserne overtager HJHansen Recycling Group også personalet tilknyttet Kolding Havn, der skal fortsætte deres ekspertise og gode relation til havn, leverandører mv.

HJHansen Recycling Group og Rimeco Aktieselskab forventer at udbygge og videreudvikle det i forvejen meget fine samarbejde til fordel for begge selskaber over de kommende år.

For yderligere information, kontakt venligst:

Mogens Bach Christensen,

Adm. Direktør i HJHansen Recycling Group
Tlf: +45 21 48 57 10 /

Klaus Peter Riggelsen

Adm. Direktør i Rimeco Aktieselskab
Tlf: +45 40 11 28 82 /

Fakta om HJHansen Recycling Group (H. J. Hansen Recycling A/S)

HJHansen Recycling Group er en af Danmarks største genvindingsvirksomheder, der udover forarbejdning og genanvendelse af jern- og metalskrot, også oparbejder kabler, miljøbehandler biler, er eksperter inden for nedbrydning af vindmøller og metalkonstruktioner, genanvendelse af råstoffer samt håndtering af elektronikskrot. Virksomheden har hovedsæde i Odense, og på de nu 25 lokationer i Danmark og Sverige beskæftiges 240 personer.

HJHansen Recycling Group havde i det seneste regnskabsår en omsætning på DKK 3,7 milliarder.

H.J. Hansen Koncernen tæller også H.J. Hansen Vin. Virksomheden er grundlagt som en købsmandshandel i centrum af Odense i 1829. Koncernen er ejet af Jens Hempel-Hansen som er 4. generation i Hempel-Hansen familiens ejerskab.

Fakta om Rimeco (Rimeco Aktieselskab)

Fra sit hovedsæde i Aabenraa har Rimeco drevet genanvendelsesvirksomhed siden 1888, hvor de fokuserer på genvinding og forædling af metal-, jern-, elektronik-skrot og kabelrecycling, herunder forarbejdning af komplekse fraktioner, som bly, transformere, kabler og kompressorer.

Rimeco tæller også Hals Metal Recycling A/S.

Rimeco er en familieejet virksomhed, der nu ejes af 5. Generation, Klaus Peter Riggelsen.

Klaus Peter Riggelsen, Rimeco Aktieselskab tv. og Mogens Bach Christen, HJHansen Recycling Group th.


By | Ikke-kategoriseret


I 2020 blev der indgået en bred politisk aftale, som fremmer cirkulær økonomi. Med aftalen ønsker man at genanvende mere plastik, som ellers ville være endt på forbrændingen. Rimeco og Lauridsen er netop indgået i et strategisk samarbejde, hvor genanvendelsen af dansk plastaffald øges. Den genanvendte plast laves til produkter, som anvendes i den danske spildevandssektor.

Rimeco neddeler og granulerer kabler, hvoraf en stor andel er kobber, som sælges til smelterierne i Europa. Den resterende del, som er plastik, sendes fremover til Lauridsens produktion i Polen, hvor det indgår i produktionen i dets oprindelige form – uden nogen form for tilsætningsstoffer.

Rimeco og Lauridsen har i samarbejde fået en End-of-waste kategorisering af plastgranulaten af den stedlige myndighed. Kategoriseringen og kravene hertil er defineret i affaldsbekendtgørelsen, men det betyder kort og godt, at affaldet lever op til en række krav stillet i lovgivningen. Det skaber tillid og sikkerhed omkring kvaliteten af produkterne.

Set fra et bæredygtighedsperspektiv har Lauridsen fået lavet en livscyklusanalyse af et akkrediteret institut (LCA), som indikerer, at produktionen af et kilo i genbrugsplast udleder ca. halvdelen af den CO2, som udledes, når der produceres i beton. Beton er et alternativt materiale på den type færdigvarer, som Lauridsen laver. Dertil har du vægtforskellen mellem de færdige produkter. CO2-udledningen ved produktionen af én forhøjerring i genbrugsplast er dermed ca. 5 gange lavere, end det er, hvis den er produceret i beton. Derudover skal man have det arbejdsmiljømæssige in mente for installatøren, idet installatøren skal løfte væsentligt mindre.

Vi ser frem til samarbejdet mellem Lauridsen og Rimeco, og er glade for, at vi nu bidrager til at genanvende endnu mere plast fra den danske affaldsstrøm, som ellers ville være gået til forbrændingen.

Det synes vi giver god mening.


Tiltaget bidrager til FN’s verdensmål 12, herunder delmål 12,5, som sigter efter at vi inden 2030 har reduceret affaldsgenereringen væsentligt gennem forebyggelse, reduktion, genvinding og genbrug.

shears and metal scrap

We are fully operational

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

We are fully operational

16. April 2020

Although the Covid-19 situation has abruptly changed our routines and how we work Rimeco is still fully operational. Our supply chains are intact and the demand for raw materials for recycling remains unchanged. The price fluctuation is a bit higher than usual as the current situation causes global market unrest, but so far it is manageable.

As the European Commission recognises that companies dealing with waste and materials for recycling are providing an essential service to society to protect health and the environment, the EU has urged all member states to prevent and reduce any obstacles to shipments – and to ensure that waste shipments have access to green lane border crossings.

At Rimeco we are grateful for the EU’s focus on maintaining supply chains, and we recognise our responsibility for keeping the flow of raw materials going throughout this crisis. At all our sites we are now working in shifts to ensure productivity while complying to all safety measures recommended by the authorities. We expect to remain fully operational throughout this no matter the amount of flexibility we must exercise. We are thankful to be part of an industry that can remain operational, and we recognise our responsibility for safeguarding jobs and businesses wherever it is possible.

shears and metal scrap
metal scrapyard

Thank you!

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

Thank you!

16. April 2020

During the past five weeks we have experienced a tremendous appreciation, flexibility and creativity from customers as well as suppliers and business partners. Everybody has pitched in to find solutions and ways to keep trade and production running during this crisis.

Costumers have kept up their demand in face of an uncertain market situation, and when travelling was no longer possible meetings weren’t cancelled or postponed – they were simply moved online. The workarounds have been as manifold as the inventiveness has been massive, and we thank each and every one of you for your contribution. Having loyal and reliable partners is always a blessing, but even more so in times like this.

metal scrapyard
Hand sanitiser in office

Hand sanitiser and shift working

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

Hand sanitiser and shift working

16. April 2020

Production is running at full speed and every employee at Rimeco is highly needed. We are all working hard to find new routines to replace the ones we can no longer rely on. At all our sites our employees are now shift working in small assigned groups to ensure proper distance and to minimize the risk of spread, while at the same time sustaining production capacity. Cleaning equipment and common areas has become a highly frequent and shared task.

Only a handful of employees are manning our office these days as many are working diligently from home. Dispensers containing hand sanitizer is set up to greet everybody who steps through the door as well as on every desk in use. The usual heavy demand for our meeting rooms has vanished overnight – and replaced by video conferences. Disinfecting desks, keyboards and phones is no longer just a job for the cleaning staff – it is one of our new routines.

Hand sanitiser in office

Another year (almost) over

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

Another year (almost) over

2019 has been a positive and eventful year at Rimeco. We have succeeded at generating substantial growth within our core business of selling and reselling scrap metals, and at the same time we have expanded into new business areas.

Power plants and a new harbour

While the demolition of our first closed down power plant, Enstedværket in Aabenraa, has proceeded according to plan, we decided to enter into yet another power plant business opportunity. In the spring Rimeco, as part of a consortium, acquired yet another closed down power plant, Stigsnæsværket on Zealand, for demolition and recycling. Included in the acquisition is the plant’s associated harbour – one of Europe’s deepest harbours. In the years to come, it will be among our tasks to develop the harbour into one of Denmark’s most efficient and widescale industrial harbours (read more here), and we look forward to presenting more details during 2020.

Growing within processed metals

In 2019, we also decided to strengthen our growing business within processing of recycled materials. As a part of this decision we have thoroughly updated and refurbished our granulation and shredder facility in Aabenraa, enabling us to multiply our production speed, and at the same time achieve an extremely high degree of purity of the processed metals. Read more here. 

Positive expectations

2019 has been a year of expansion, and we are grateful to all our employees and our loyal partners for the dedication and diligence that has been exercised throughout all tasks. Thanks to each and all of you!

We look forward to 2020 with positive expectations. We experience a sound and stable demand for raw materials in the industry, as well as a positive development in the market. However often the ghost of recession has been conjured up in 2019, we see no signs of lower activity in 2020 – on the contrary we expect to continue our stable growth.


New industrial harbour

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

New industrial harbour

In the spring, Rimeco – as part of a consortium – acquired another closed down power plant, Stigsnæsværket, for demolition and recycling. Included in the acquisition is the power plant’s associated harbour, Stigsnæs Transithavn. With a water depth of 18 meters, Stigsnæs Transithavn is one of Europe’s deepest harbours, strategically located to conveniently reach most of Zealand and Funen within an hour’s drive.

Swift and easy access

During the past nine months, we at Rimeco, and our partners, have spent hours upon hours planning the huge work ahead of us, and in early 2020 we will be ready to initiate the process of demolishing the plant – and in particular developing the harbour!

It is our explicit goal to turn Stigsnæs Transithavn into one of Denmark’s most efficient and widescale industrial harbours attracting customers that demand swift and easy access to the Scandinavian markets, and we look forward to being able to reveal more details from this exciting project during 2020.

Rimeco receives prestigious award

Rimeco receives prestigious award

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

Rimeco receives prestigious award

20. December 2019

This fall we received an unexpected, but very pleasant call. Rimeco had been selected to receive the prestigious Danish business award, The Gazelle Prize, for exercising solid growth.

The Gazelle Prize was instituted by the Danish business magazine, Børsen, in 1995, and is awarded every year to companies that meet the following criteria:

  • The company has during the past four years displayed stable and solid growth.
  • The company has during the past four years at least doubled its turnover.

We are as proud as we are grateful for receiving such a substantial acknowledgement as The Gazelle Prize represents.

A part of the answer

It strengthens our belief in a bright future for our business as well as for our industry. Developing new solutions for recycling valuable resources, such as steel and metals contributes to the green transition. Around the globe the focus on developing sustainable solutions and responsible utilisation of natural resources intensifies day by day. We are proud to be a part of the answer!

Rimeco receives prestigious award
Rimeco kåret som Børsen Gazelle-virksomhed 2019

Kåret som Børsen Gazelle

By | Ikke-kategoriseret

Kåret som Børsen Gazelle

I går deltog Rimeco i Børsens Gazelle-kåring, hvor årets Gazelle-virksomheder i Region Syddanmark blev hyldet.

Vi er utroligt stolte over at være en af de kun 0,3 procent af alle virksomheder i Danmark, som modtager Gazelleprisen 2019 for vores positive vækst gennem de sidste fire år.

Tak til Børsen og partnere for et super flot arrangement! Og ikke mindst tak til kunder, samarbejdspartnere og vores dygtige kolleger for den flotte indsats!

Rimeco kåret som Børsen Gazelle-virksomhed 2019